Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Hate Houseflies!

We do not have near the problem with mosquitos in Saint Louis as in Houston, but the houseflies are everywhere!  They tend to drive me crazy!  Mosquitos are more prone to biting and cause itching, but at least I can sacrifice myself in order to rid the earth of one of them when they do bite me.

Houseflies on the other hand, are neurotic psycho idiotic pests that just need to be gone.  They come in the house even if the door is open for 5 seconds. They buzz all around the place, and are next to impossible to kill, and are very distracting when you are trying to study Greek!  ARGH!!!

Phew! Got that out of my system.  There is hope though in two things - 1) that winter might freeze them all and 2) that I have developed many strategies for annihilation of any fly that gets into my domain. I'll save that for another post.

For those of y'all who we were able to see last weekend at Mary's wedding - we had a blast, and wish it would have been longer.  For those of you who we did not have a chance to see - Mary's wedding was a blast, and we wish it would have been longer so that we could see y'all also!

With Christ's Love,


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Checking in after Ike

This is just a quick blog to find out how people are doing that were in the path of Ike.

We have tried to get in touch with as many people as we could (some lines were busy, people were not home, or maybe phone service has been interrupted in some cases).

Anyway, we wanted everyone to know that we have been and are praying for you and that many of the friends we have made up here are also praying for y'all.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Congrats to all who played! =)

The correct answer, a tie between Aunt Harmony (by phone vote due to technical difficulties), Tia Amber and Aunt Sara, was the crib rail!

Be on the look out for your prizes, and please allow four to six weeks for the processing of your prize. No substitution, exchanges or refunds are available, and all taxes are the sole responsibility of the prize winner, payable in full within the next three days.

Catheryn has done very well in her big girl bed. She has only fallen out twice, and true to form, did not wake up either time!

Things are going well up here, Kristin had a good day at work, Catheryn had a great day playing with friends, and dad finally got Missouri license plates for Sally (our Civic).

Orientation starts tomorrow for Matthew, and then Greek this coming Monday. Yah!!!

Hope all of y'all are doing well!


The Hardaway's