Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Congrats to all who played! =)

The correct answer, a tie between Aunt Harmony (by phone vote due to technical difficulties), Tia Amber and Aunt Sara, was the crib rail!

Be on the look out for your prizes, and please allow four to six weeks for the processing of your prize. No substitution, exchanges or refunds are available, and all taxes are the sole responsibility of the prize winner, payable in full within the next three days.

Catheryn has done very well in her big girl bed. She has only fallen out twice, and true to form, did not wake up either time!

Things are going well up here, Kristin had a good day at work, Catheryn had a great day playing with friends, and dad finally got Missouri license plates for Sally (our Civic).

Orientation starts tomorrow for Matthew, and then Greek this coming Monday. Yah!!!

Hope all of y'all are doing well!


The Hardaway's

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